Casa de Tortugas - Stories

A handrail is finally on our stairs

We built the stairs and sidewalk in the summer of 2022. But we only got the hand rail installed after our house was complete and after living here for 6 months. Mainly, we just didn't need the hand rail. We also had concerns that moving large objects up the stairs could be hindered by a railing. But as of mid December 2024, we have a hand rail. Due the the slope of the hill, our stairs require a slightly larger than standard step up. This can make walking up or down a little bit of a strain if we are already tired. Having the railing in place really makes it a lot easier to get up and down.

25-01-04 10:15pm: Saftey first. Looks good! Congrats on your diligence to keep knocking all these project out. ~Drew
25-01-04 11:19am: Stairway to heaven! What a beautiful view when you go up or when you come down, the palms trees make it so pretty! Maige

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