Island life had been a dream for Tina and Glenn individually on and off for many years. But the ball really got rolling in 2017 on a trip to Fiji.
On this trip we took the time to adventure away from the manicured resort and see what real life was like on the island. We took the public bus for a whopping $1.00 Fajian ($0.50 US) to go into town. The locals litterally call this "the dollar bus" all the time. We mingled with the locals and found them to be very friendly.
A couple days later we went back into town and for a few dollars more took the bus over to a neighboring town. Again, the people were very friendly and they were happy to talk to us. We learned that life was very simple and the pace of life was slow.
We lived on "island time" which means, we get there when we get there and we are not in a hurry. Well except for one sailing tour we went on, we were told "no island time" or we would miss our boat.
It was during this trip that we came to realize that a slower pace of life was really what we wanted and that living on "island time" was where we wanted to be.
We have pictures of our 2017 Fiji trip stored on Facebook for anyone to see without logging in. Check out the images here in our Facebook Photo Album
Where did we look before buying property? Published 30-Dec-2017 |