Casa de Tortugas - Stories

The bodega has screening!

We have caught up on most of the other major projects, so today we put in the screening on the bodega.

Back in the states we might call this the storage room or utility room. But here in Panama it is generically called the bodega and can be used for lots of things. We had it all walled in but we wanted to make sure there was a lot of air flow. So we had a layer of bricks left off at the top on all but 2 walls where the electrical and front door are located. We just left it all open for a while. But today we put up all the screening including on the security door. We also got the security hardware installed on the door. We really should have gotten this done weeks ago but other projects took priority.

Just one more thing checked off the long list of projects. This will keep the insects from finding their way in. We have had wasps building houses in the bodega and every few days we had to remove them. Now they can't get in any more. YEAH!

It may be hard to tell in some of the pictures but each opening does have screening on it.

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  Lost in Paradise: A Jungle Adventure

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